Kate Mayer (Leslie Hope) seems to have it all: a nice suburban house, two loving children and a devoted husband. But Kate is anything but happy. She is disappointed not only with her marriage, but with her entire life. In her pursuit of happiness, this frustrated mother files for divorce and gets her first-ever job, working in a small real estate agency. To plicate matters, Kate finds herself strongly attracted to her kindhearted boss, Mac. The surprising twist? Mac (played by actress Wendy Crewson) happens to be a woman. Will Kate have the courage to risk following her heart? Watch one womans emotional journey of self-discovery.
发布时间:2024-11-25 01:20光阴倒流七十年月的喷鼻港,戴振华(任达华)是法令世家的独子,也是港年夜法令系的高材生,但即恰恰爱上保良局孤儿淑芬(刘雅丽),连一向暗恋他的姑姑(梅爱芬)也从此无看。门当不互对天然遭到家长的阻止,振华父亲(刘兆铭)多番否决亦不克不及令振华改变初志,成果有恋人终成家属,而姑姑亦下嫁了一个本身不爱的汉子。婚后二人豪情虽好,但总要面临糊口的艰巨,再加上淑芬诞下三胞胎,糊口的担子亦落在振华身上,终究,振华藉着一场打胜了的讼事而申明年夜噪,但昙花一现,淑芬俄然发现本身身患尽症,振华年夜受刺激,在失望的边沿竟又发现本身亦得初